All About Aeranthos the Black

Aeranthos the black

Aeranthos the Black is one of only a handful of air plants with a natural black color. It has an open rosette and if given enough light, blushes nearly black.

Tillandsia aeranthos is native to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina. They grow in many environments, from forest floors to cliff sides to trees.

These are relatively small. Most plants are between 3-4 inches tall and wide. The leaves are thin, stiff, and slightly recurved.

As with other cultivators of aeranthos, it’s easy to care for and a great air plant for beginners.

All About Caring for Tillandsia Aeranthos the Black

These beauties are easy to care for and are one of my favorite air plants for beginners. They have great color so it’s easy to tell if your air plant is getting enough light. If the black color starts fading to green, it needs more light.

If it gets too dry, the leaves will start to fold inwards and the plant will deflate a little. Once it’s hydrated, the leaves will open and the plant will fill out.

Read on to learn more about caring for Aeranthos……

aeranthos the black with bud

Common Problems

Tillandsia aeranthos the black is a popular choice among plant lovers because it’s unique and easy to care for. However, there are a few common problems you might encounter. Here are the issues and how to solve them:

Too much water: Overwatering is a common problem. Air plants don’t need soil and get moisture through their leaves.

Solution: Mist your Tillandsia aeranthos 1-2 times a week or soak it in room temperature water for about 20 minutes every week. After watering, make sure to shake off excess water and let it dry completely before putting it back.

Lack of airflow: Air plants need good airflow to stay healthy. Without enough air circulation, their leaves can rot or get fungal diseases.

Solution: Put your Tillandsia aeranthos in a place with good airflow. Avoid keeping it in closed containers or terrariums without proper ventilation. If needed, gently move the leaves or adjust their position to ensure air can move around them.

Not enough light: Tillandsia aeranthos needs bright but indirect light to grow well and keep its colors vibrant. Insufficient light can make its leaves pale or yellow.

Solution: Put your air plant in a well-lit area where it can get indirect light. Place it near a window with filtered sunlight or use artificial grow lights if natural light is limited. Don’t expose it to direct sunlight, as it can harm the leaves.

Extreme temperatures: Tillandsia aeranthos is sensitive to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. Prolonged exposure to extreme conditions can damage the plant.

Solution: Keep your air plant in a moderate temperature range of 60-90°F (10-32°C). Avoid placing it near heaters or air conditioners that may cause drastic temperature changes. Protect it from freezing temperatures during winter by bringing it indoors or providing insulation.

By being aware of these common problems and following the solutions, you can help your Tillandsia aeranthos stay healthy and enjoy its unique beauty. Just remember to give it the right amount of water, proper airflow, enough light, and a suitable temperature to keep it thriving

Get your very own Aeranthos the Black here.


We are here to spread our love of houseplants! There are many different varieties of plants that we keep in our homes. All of them with different needs and preferences. This blog is to share our knowledge about all kinds of houseplants and help people care for their own plants.

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2 Responses

  1. January 23, 2023

    […] air plants are those with an open rosette. This category includes T. harrisii, T. capitata, and T. aeranthos. They can be smooth or fuzzy, water hogs or drought tolerant, large or small. Because they have […]

  2. January 24, 2023

    […] Learn more about Aeranthos the Black here. […]