All About Monstera Peru Care

All About Monstera Peru Care

Monstera Karstenianum

Monstera Karstennianum is a smaller species of monstera that resembles a pothos more than the familiar Monstera Deliciosa. The Peru lacks the usual fenestrations or splits in its leaves that Monsteras are known for. Instead of splits, it has ridges and grooves with a leathery appearance. As the common name suggests, Monstera Peru originates from Peru and is one of the easier species of Monstera to care for.

All About Monstera Peru Care

Tips for Monstera Peru Care

Karstennianum is from tropical regions of Peru where it grows along the forest floor and climbs up trees. The dark green leaves allow it to photosynthesize well and thus prefer more shade than other Monsteras. These normally don’t have to be right next to a window.

Take care when moving Karstennianum outdoors for the summer. It’ll need a shady porch and a few weeks to acclimate to the increase in light. Once it’s accustomed to higher light, it’ll love it. Tip: move your plant closer to the light over a 2-3 week period. A little closer every day.

The average temperature and humidity in most home environments is perfect for these tropical plants. If you live in an arid region, consider ways to increase humidity.

Many hobbyists prefer to grow Monsteras on totem or moss poles. This gives the aerial roots something to attach to and trains an upright growth pattern. If you prefer to have a wider, bushy plant, don’t use a moss pole. Check out our article on How to Make a Moss Pole.

Care Summary

How to Propagate Monstera Peru

How to Propagate Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru propagation is easy peasy. Once your plant is mature, you’ll likely have no choice but to prune it every few years so why not take those cuttings and spread the love with new plants?

There are two ways to propagate: division, and stem cuttings. Both methods are best done in the spring or during active growth. Tip: ground cinnamon can be applied to cuts to help close the wound and prevent infection on plants.


1. This is easily done while repotting your plant. Once you have the rootball out of the pot, use a sharp knife to cut individual offsets away from the main plant. Make sure to get enough roots to support the new offset.

2. Likewise you can also loosen the rootball with your fingers and gently separate the offset from the main plant.

3. Plant your new offset into a rooting medium, keep it moist, and wait for the plant to establish.

4. Once your offset is established and growing well. Repot into a pot that is 1 inch larger than the rootball and enjoy your new plant!

Stem Cuttings

1. Take cuttings of healthy stems making sure to get the node. The “node” is where the aerial root grows. This aerial root or node will change into soil roots. Without the node, no roots will grow.

2. Plant the stem with node(s) into a rooting medium and keep the growing medium moist, not wet. Ensure that the node is in the rooting medium, not above it.

3. If possible, cover with a clear plastic or glass dome so that the leaves do not dry out. Seed starting kits and propagation boxes work well for this.

4. Place your cuttings/ prop box in a warm area with bright indirect light and keep growing medium moist, not wet.

5. Wait for new growth. Once you have a thriving plant-let, repot, and slowly acclimate to a less humid environment.

6. Monstera Peru also roots very well in water. Use a clear glass of water and place the node below the water line. Put the glass in a warm, sunny spot and change the water weekly. Wait for roots to grow, then pot in loose soil.

Monstera soil recipe

Aroid Mix Recipes for Monsteras

The following are a few recipes you can try for making your own aroid mix. Different people prefer different mixes according to their plant care style and environmental needs.

I prefer to use regular indoor potting soil and add amendments as needed. For example, if my plant isn’t drying out in time for the weekly watering, I’ll repot and add perlite to aid in drainage. Conversely, if it drys out too fast, I’ll repot and add coconut coir to retain moisture.

Basic Mix

1/2 Regular potting mix

1/4 Perlite

1/4 Orchid Bark

1 to 1 Mix

Orchid Bark

Compost or Natural Fertilizer


Potting Soil

Coconut coir or Peat moss

1234 Mix (Soil)

1 Part Insect Frass (or castings)

2 Parts Soil

3 Parts Perlite

4 Parts Orchid Bark

1234 Mix (Coir)

1 Part Insect Frass (or castings)

2 Coconut coir or peat moss

3 Parts Perlite

4 Parts Orchid Bark

Find your own Monstera Peru here.

I hope this article helps you grow a gorgeous Monstera Peru! Have any other questions about Monsertas? Drop a comment or send a message.

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